We bloom together

We award one woman an eCommerce website design valued at $5k

The Service Grant includes a Discovery Call, Coaching (as needed), and Branding Sessions as pertaining to the website

The Nature of This Flower is to Bloom…

Living. Against the Elemental Crush.

A Song of Color…

Blooming Gloriously For its Self.

- Alice Walker

The Birthing Room

There is something to be said

about the women who

will be there when you

Birth your dreams

Birth your babies

Birth your hopes

They are special women

You see

these women

will look impossible in the face

and spit on it

to make impossible

turn the other way


it’s possible

-Keys of Philadelpia

Learn about more opportunities to connect.


    We stand on our belief that memorable brands are dynamic, original, and authentic. They are extensions of the core values of its founders and their lived experience. We nurture Founders who are committed to building scalable, sustainable, community driven brands with infinite impact.

dream big. build the machine. thrive.

dream big. build the machine. thrive.